Under DevelopmentPlease cite this work as:Stefanidou, S., Paraskevopoulos, E., Papanikolaou, V., Kappos, A.J. "An online platform for bridge-specific fragility analysis of as-built and retrofitted bridges", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20, 1717-1737 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01299-3

The Bridge Database - ESPA

Elastomeric Bearings

Table 1: Elastomeric Bearings : Limit states and threshold values

(R): limit state definition based on soa ,(E): Experimental, (S): Simulation or analysis

Engineering Demand Parameter: Shear deformation γ (%)
ReferenceLimit StateShear deformation (γ)Description
. (E) Mori, A., Moss, P.J., Carr, A. J., Cooke, N. (1997)
LS1150%Yielding of steel plates
LS4300%Bearing failure
. (E) Bousias, E., Palios, X., Alexakis Ch., Strepelias, E., Fardis, M., Raptopoulos, S. (2008)LS3150%Detachment of elastomers and steel plates
. (R) Cardone, D. (2013) https://doi.org/10.1002/eqe.2396LS1150%, bolted pads γ(dfr), slipping unbolted pads γ(dpad/3), rolling-over unbolted padsSlipping between neoprene pads and concrete surfaces
LS2200%, bolted pads γ(dfr+1/3(dpad-dfr)), slipping unbolted pads γ(dpad/2), rolling-over unbolted padsShear deformation limit for linear viscoelasticbehvior of bolted neoprene pads
LS3300%, bolted pads γ(dpad), slipping unbolted pads γ(dpad), rolling-over unbolted padsRubber shear failure (bolted pads), slipping between neoprene concrete surface and roll-over (unbolted pads)
. (E) Konstantinidis et al. (2008)LS3150%-225%Roll-over
. (E) LaFave et al. (2013)LS153-85%Tension/shear failure of anchors
LS2100-200%Initiation of slipping
. (E) Mori, A., Moss, P.J., Cooke, N., Carr, A. J. (1999) https://doi.org/10.1193%2F1.1586038LS3200%Bearing Uplift
. (E) Mori, A., Moss, P.J., Carr, A. J., Cooke, N. (1997) https://dx.doi.org/10.12989/sem.1997.5.4.451LS2106-150%Yielding of steel plates
. Moschonas, I. F., Kappos, A. J., Panetsos, P., Papadopoulos, V., Makarios, T., Thanopoulos, P. (2009) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-008-9077-2LS120%Minor damage
LS2150%Moderate damage
LS3200%Major damage
LS4500%Stability failure (toppling)
. (E) Nielson, B. (2005)LS1γ(Δ=30 mm), long. & transv.Deformation of slight damage
LS2γ(Δ=100 mm), long. & transv.Possible dowel fracture
LS3γ(Δ=150 mm), long. & transv.Dowel fracture, repair requirement
LS4γ(Δ=255 mm), long. & transv.Unseating
. (S) Stefanidou S. & Kappos A.(2017) https://doi.org/10.1002/eqe.2774LS120%Initiation of nonlinear behaviour (yielding displacement of piers), potential yielding of anchor bolts and cracking of pedestals.
LS2100%Visible damage to the bearing; yield of steel shims
LS3200%Lift off at the edge of the bearing, uplift and rocking; may cause delamination, bonding failure between rubber layers and steel shim plates
LS4300%Lift-off, rotation; unseating, failure of bearings.
. (S+R) Zhang, J. and Huo, Y. (2009) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2009.02.017LS1100%Slight damage (strain limit for linear behavior of rubber)
LS2150%Moderate damage
LS3200%Extensive damage (Initiation of hardening of elastomeric material)
LS4250%Complete damage (significant pounding or unseating)


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