Under DevelopmentPlease cite this work as:Stefanidou, S., Paraskevopoulos, E., Papanikolaou, V., Kappos, A.J. "An online platform for bridge-specific fragility analysis of as-built and retrofitted bridges", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20, 1717-1737 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01299-3

The Bridge Database - ESPA

Steel Bearings

Table 4: Steel Bearings : Limit states and threshold values

(R): limit state definition based on soa ,(E): Experimental, (S): Simulation or analysis

HSBF=High-Steel Bearing Fixed, LSBF= Low-Steel Bearing Fixed, HSBR= High-Steel Bearing Rocker, LSBS= Low-Steel Bearing Sliding

Engineering Demand Parameter: Relative displacement Δ (mm)
ReferenceLimit StateΔ (mm)Description
. (R) Cardone, D. (2013) https://doi.org/10.1002/eqe.2396LS1-, HSBF+LSBF
dmax: displacement capacity of the device under non-seismic conditions
Exceedance of displacement capacity under non-seismic loads
dlim, HSBR
dmax+1/3(duns-dmax), LSBS
dfix: displacement corresponding to collapse of the device or anchor bolts
duns: displacement corresponding to deck unseating
Collapse of device or anchor bolts, or vertical instability
LS3dfix+2/3(duns-dfix), HSBF+LSBF
dlim+1/3(duns-dlim), HSBR
dmax+2/3(duns-dmax), LSBS
Damage state between LS2 and LS3
. (E) LaFave et al. (2013)LS320 – 38 mm, LSBF Transv.
20 – 41 mm, LSBF Long.
Fracture of anchors
LS419mm1, LSBF Long.+Transv.Sliding
. (E) Nielson, B. (2005)LS16, HSBF Long.
6, HSBF Transv.
Appearance of cracks on concrete piers
6, LSBF Long.
6, LSBF Transv.
50, HSBR Long.
6, HSBR Transv.
50, LSBS Long.
6, LSBS Transv.
LS220, HSBF Long.
20, HSBF Transv.
Prying of bearings and severe deformation of anchor bolts
20, LSBF Long.
20, LSBF Transv.
100, HSBR Long.
20, HSBR Transv.
100, LSBS Long.
20, LSBS Transv.
LS340, HSBF Long.
40, HSBF Transv.
Complete fracture of anchor bolts
40, LSBF Long.
40, LSBF Transv.
150, HSBR Long.
40, HSBR Transv.
150, LSBS Long.
40, LSBS Transv.
LS4255, HSBF Long.
255, HSBF Transv.
255, LSBF Long.
255, LSBF Transv.
255, HSBR Long.
255, HSBR Transv.
255, LSBS Long.
255, LSBS Transv.


  1. Cardone, D. (2013). Displacement limits and performance displacement profiles in support of direct displacement-based seismic assessment of bridges, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/eqe.2396.
  2. LaFave, J., Fahnestock, L., Foutch, D., Steelman, J., Revell, J., Filipov, E., Hajjar, J. (2013). Experimental Investigation of the Seismic Response of Bridge Bearings, Research Report No. FHWA-ICT-13-002, Illinois Center for Transportation.
  3. Nielson, B. G. (2005). Analytical Fragility Curves for Highway Bridges in Moderate Seismic Zones, PhD Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, December, 2005.