Under DevelopmentPlease cite this work as:Stefanidou, S., Paraskevopoulos, E., Papanikolaou, V., Kappos, A.J. "An online platform for bridge-specific fragility analysis of as-built and retrofitted bridges", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20, 1717-1737 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01299-3

The Bridge Database - ESPA

Retrofitted Piers

Hollow Rectangular Piers

Table 1: Hollow Rectangular Piers: Limit state thresholds in terms of drift

Engineering Demand Parameter: Drift (%)
ReferencesLimit StatesThreshold ValuesDescriptionLoading TypeSpecimen Characteristics
Cheng, C. T., Mo, Y.L., Yeh, Y.K. (2005)LS1Yielding of longitudinal reinforcementCyclic loading
LS3Crushing of concrete at the plastic hinge region, buckling of long. bars
Han, Q., Wen, J., Du, X., Jia, J. (2014)LS1Yielding of longitudinal barsCyclic loading
LS1Slight concrete spalling and buckling of long. bars
Pavese, A., Bolognini, D., Peloso, S. (2004)LS1Yielding of longitudinal barsCyclic loading
LS2Spalling of concrete cover
LS3Rupture of FRP sheets, long. bar buckling, loss of long. bars bonding, concrete crushing


  1. Cheng, C. T., Mo, Y.L., Yeh, Y.K. (2005). Evaluation of As-Built, Retrofitted, and Repaired Shear-Critical Hollow Bridge Columns under Earthquake-Type Loading, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, vol.10, No. 5, pp 520-529, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0702(2005)10:5(520)
  2. Han, Q., Wen, J., Du, X., Jia, J. (2014). Experimental and numerical studies on seismic behavior of hollow bridge columns retrofitted with carbon fiber reinforced polymer, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 33, No. 24, pp 2214-2227, https://doi.org/10.1177/0731684414557716.
  3. Pavese, A., Bolognini, D., Peloso, S. (2004). FRP SEISMIC RETROFIT OF RC SQUARE HOLLOW SECTION BRIDGE PIERS, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8, Special Issue 1, pp 225-550.

Hollow Rectangular Piers

Table 2: Limit state thresholds in terms of displacement ductility

Engineering Demand Parameter: Displacement ductility (μd)
ReferencesLimit StatesThreshold ValuesDescriptionLoading TypeSpecimen Characteristics
Cheng, C. T., Mo, Y.L., Yeh, Y.K. (2005)LS1Yielding of longitudinal reinforcementCyclic loading
LS3Crushing of concrete at the plastic hinge region, buckling of long. bars
Han, Q., Wen, J., Du, X., Jia, J. (2014)LS1Yielding of longitudinal barsCyclic loading
LS1Slight concrete spalling and buckling of long. bars
Pavese, A., Bolognini, D., Peloso, S. (2004)LS1Yielding of longitudinal barsCyclic loading
LS3Rupture of FRP sheets, long. bar buckling, loss of long. bars bonding, concrete crushing


  1. Cheng, C. T., Mo, Y.L., Yeh, Y.K. (2005). Evaluation of As-Built, Retrofitted, and Repaired Shear-Critical Hollow Bridge Columns under Earthquake-Type Loading, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, vol.10, No. 5, pp 520-529, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0702(2005)10:5(520)
  2. Han, Q., Wen, J., Du, X., Jia, J. (2014). Experimental and numerical studies on seismic behavior of hollow bridge columns retrofitted with carbon fiber reinforced polymer, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 33, No. 24, pp 2214-2227, https://doi.org/10.1177/0731684414557716.
  3. Pavese, A., Bolognini, D., Peloso, S. (2004). FRP SEISMIC RETROFIT OF RC SQUARE HOLLOW SECTION BRIDGE PIERS, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8, Special Issue 1, pp 225-550.