Under DevelopmentPlease cite this work as:Stefanidou, S., Paraskevopoulos, E., Papanikolaou, V., Kappos, A.J. "An online platform for bridge-specific fragility analysis of as-built and retrofitted bridges", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20, 1717-1737 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01299-3

The Bridge Database - ESPA

Calculate bridge-specific fragility curves

  • General Properties
  • Pier Properties
  • Bearing Properties
  • Abutment Properties
Number of bridge spans
Complete the length of every span from left to right in (m) separated with semicolon. e.g. for a bridge with 3 spans having lengths 25m, 45m, 25m complete with the following : 25;45;25
Select meshsize for every span. e.g. for a bridge with 3 spans if the meshsize for every span is 10 complete with the following : 10;10;10
Assign the distributed load at every span (combination G+0.2Q). e.g. for a bridge with 3 spans if the distributed load for the G+0.2Q combination is 30.3kN/m2 complete with the following : 30.3;30.3;30.3
For all piers from left to right complete the pier heights in (m). e.g. for a bridge with 3 spans and 2 piers with heights 20m(left pier) and 25m(right pier) complete with the following : 20;25
Complete the deck geometry first at span and then at support location. The sequence should be the following:
A(m2),span ; J(m4),spanx0,1 ; Iz(m4),span ; Iy(m4),span ; E(kN/m2) ; A(m2),supp ; J(m4),suppx0,1 ; Iz(m4),supp ; Iy(m4),supp
6.32 ; 0.15 ; 2.82 ; 80.51 ; 35000000 ; 9.08 ; 1.5 ; 3.73 ; 111.76
Complete the number of eigenmodes to be considered.
Select the direction of loading, x-longitudinal or y-transverse based on the figure.
Select the damping value e.g. for ζ=5% write 0.05.
Complete the dispersion value for every limit state (LS1, LS2, LS3, LS4) as described in: Stefanidou S, Kappos A (2017) Methodology for the development of bridge-specific fragility curves Earthq Eng & Struct Dyn 46:73-93, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2774 , separated with semicolon e.g. 0.55;0.65;0.75;0.85.
Select default (according to Stefanidou Kappos, EESD, 2017) values for component thresholds, or used defined (to be competed in the relevant forms for every component)
Copy-paste your spectrum values in Sa-T terms in the box below
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