Under DevelopmentPlease cite this work as:Stefanidou, S., Paraskevopoulos, E., Papanikolaou, V., Kappos, A.J. "An online platform for bridge-specific fragility analysis of as-built and retrofitted bridges", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20, 1717-1737 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01299-3

The Bridge Database - ESPA

As Built Piers

Cylindrical Piers

Table 1: Cylindrical Piers: Limit state thresholds in terms of drift

Engineering Demand Parameter: Drift (%)
ReferencesLimit StatesThreshold ValuesDescriptionLoading TypeSpecimen Characteristics
ACI 341.4R-16 (2016)LS1Minor flexural cracksCyclic tests and field observationsSimilar to Goodnight et al. (2016)
LS2Concrete cover spalling, yielding of longitudinal reinforcement
LS3Buckling of longitudinal reinforcement or/and fracture of transverse reinforcement, partial crushing of concrete core
2.Banerjee, S. and Shinozuka, M. (2007)LS1Minor damageNonlinear Time- history analysis of bridge systemD = 2.4m
L = 21m
LS2Moderate damage
LS3Major damage
Berry, M. and Eberhard, M. (2003)LS3Buckling of longitudinal reinforcementCyclic loading
LS2Concrete cover spalling
Berry (2006)LS3Buckling of longitudinal reinforcementCyclic loading
Goodnight, C., Kowalski, M., Nau, J. (2016), circular columnsLS3Buckling of longitudinal reinforcementCyclic loading or real seismic load histories
Kim, S. H. and Feng, M. Q. (2003)LS1First yield of longitudinal reinforcement--
LS2Concrete cracking, spalling
LS3Initiation of column collapse
LS4Column collapse
Kwon, O. S., Elnashai, A. S. (2010)LS1First yield of steel reinforcementPushover analysis of bridge system
LS2Achievement of global maximum strength
LS3Core concrete strain of 0.01
Lopez, A., Dusicka, P., Bazaez, R. (2020), 1970s design in USALS1Concrete crackingShake table
Buckling of longitudinal reinforcement
LS2Concrete cover spalling
LS3Extended spalling of concrete cover.
Buckling of longitudinal reinforcement or concrete core crushing
Mackie, K. R. and Stoiadinovic, B. (2007)LS2Concrete cover spallingLS2 and LS3 were adopted from Berry and Eberhard (2003), LS4 was calculated based on experimental data, through regressionSimilar to Berry and Eberhard (2003)
LS3Buckling of longitudinal reinforcement
Sheikh, S. A. and Yau, G. (2002)LS2Spalling of concrete coverCyclic loading
LS3Yielding of spiral/ bucking of long. bars


  1. ACI Committee 341 (2016). ACI 341.4R-16 Report on the Seismic Design of Bridge Columns Based on Drift, ISBN: 978-1-945487-02-6.
  2. Banerjee, S. and Shinozuka, M. (2007). Nonlinear Static Procedure for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Bridges, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 22, pp 293-305, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8667.2007.00486.x.
  3. Berry, M., Eberhard, M. (2003). Performance Models for Flexural Damage in Reinforced Concrete Columns, Report PEER 2003/18, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington.
  4. Berry, M. P., (2006). Performance Modeling Strategies for Modern Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns, PhD. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
  5. Goodnight, J. C., Kowalsy, M. J., Nau, J. M. (2016). Strain Limit States for Circular RC Bridge Columns, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 32, No. 3., pp 1627-2652, doi.org/10.1193%2F030315EQS036M.
  6. Kim, S. H. and Feng, M. Q. (2003). Fragility analysis of bridges under ground motion with spatial variation, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 38, pp 705-721, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0020-7462(01)00128-7.
  7. Kwon, O. S. and Elnashai, S. (2010). Fragility analysis of a highway over-crossing bridge with consideration of soil–structure interactions, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 6, Nos. 1-2, pp 159-178, https://doi.org/10.1080/15732470802663870.
  8. Lopez, A., Dusicka, P., Bazaez, R. (2020). Performance of seismically substandard bridge reinforced concrete columns subjected to subduction and crustal earthquakes, Engineering Structures, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110216.
  9. Mackie, K. R., & Stojadinović, B. (2007). R-Factor Parameterized Bridge Damage Fragility Curves. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 12(4), 500-510, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0702(2007)12:4(500)
  10. Sheikh, S. A. and Yau, G. (2002). Seismic Behavior of Concrete Columns Confined with Steel and Fiber-Reinforced Polymer, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 99, No. 1, pp 72 – 80, https://doi.org/10.14359/11037.

Table 2: Cylindrical Piers: Limit state thresholds in terms of displacement ductility

Engineering Demand Parameter: Displacement ductility (μd)
ReferencesLimit StatesThreshold ValuesDescriptionLoading TypeSpecimen Characteristics
Choi et al. (2004)LS1Minor spalling Adopted damage criteria for fragility analysis from soa-
LS2Moderate cracking and spalling
LS3Extensive damage
LS4Complete damage
Lopez, A., Dusicka, P., Bazaez, R. (2020), 1970s design in USALS1Cracking of concreteShake table
Yielding of longitudinal reinforcement
LS2Spalling of concrete cover
LS3Extended spalling of concrete cover
Buckling of longitudinal reinforcement or crushing of concrete core
Zhang, J. and Huo, Y. (2009)LS1Effective YieldAdopted damage criteria for fragility analysis from soa-
LS2Spalling of concrete cover


  1. Choi, E., DesRoches, R., Nielson, B. (2004). Seismic fragility of typical bridges in moderate seismic zones, Engineering Structures, Vol. 26, pp 187-199, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2003.09.006.
  2. Lopez, A., Dusicka, P., Bazaez, R. (2020). Performance of seismically substandard bridge reinforced concrete columns subjected to subduction and crustal earthquakes, Engineering Structures, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110216.
  3. Zhang, J. and Huo, Y. (2009). Evaluating effectiveness and optimum design of isolation devices for highway bridges using the fragility function method, Engineering Structures, Vol. 31, pp 1648-1660, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2009.02.017.

Table 3: Bridge bents with cylindrical Piers: Limit state thresholds in terms of drift

Engineering Demand Parameter: Drift (%)
ReferencesLimit StatesThreshold ValuesDescriptionLoading TypeSpecimen Characteristics
Bazaez, R. and Dusicka, P., (2018), 1950-1970 design USALS1Concrete crackingCyclic loading
Yielding of the first longitudinal reinforcement
Yielding of longitudinal reinforcement
LS2Concrete cover spalling
LS3/LS4Buckling of longitudinal reinforcement or crushing of concrete core
LS3Buckling of longitudinal reinforcement followed by bar fracture
LS1-LS2Cracks 1.5 mm wide (for design without EC8 )and 0.9 mm wide (EC8 compliant design)
LS2Cracks of width > 1.5, concrete cover spalling
LS3Extended concrete spalling


  1. Bazaez, R. and Dusicka, P. (2018). Performance assessment of multi-column RC bridge bents seismically retrofitted with buckling-restrained braces, Bulleting of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 16, pp 2135-2160 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-017-0279-3

Table 4: Bridge bents with cylindrical Piers: Limit state thresholds in terms of displacement ductility

Engineering Demand Parameter: Displacement ductility (μd)
ReferencesLimit StatesThreshold ValuesDescriptionLoading TypeSpecimen Characteristics
Bazaez, R. and Dusicka, P., (2018), 1950-1970 design USALS1Cracking of concreteCyclic loading
First yielding of longitudinal reinforcement
Yielding of longitudinal reinforcement
LS2Spalling of concrete cover
LS3/LS4Buckling of longitudinal reinforcement or crushing of concrete core


  1. Bazaez, R. and Dusicka, P. (2018). Performance assessment of multi-column RC bridge bents seismically retrofitted with buckling-restrained braces, Bulleting of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 16, pp 2135-2160, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-017-0279-3